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16 articles
Create review administratorHow to create a review manager
Learn the basics and get up to speed quickly with these introductory articles.
Introduction to Review
User roles & permissions in ReviewIn Review, users are assigned different roles, each with specific permissions to ensure efficient collaboration and workflow management.
Create a reviewTo create a review, follow these steps:
Create annotationHow to create an annotation
Scroll to AnnotationThe annotation is automatically highlighted.
Streamline your review process and ensure consistency across projects.
How to create a Workflow template
Workflow table actionsThe workflow table in Review offers several useful actions to manage your workflows effectively. Here's a guide to the available actions:
Track workflow progressThe Workflow progress bar allows you to monitor the progress each step of your review.
Workflow step details sidepanelThe Workflow step details sidepanel provides information and actions related to each step in the review process.
Invite users pop-upThe Invite Users pop-up in the Review section allows Review Managers to invite team members to participate in the review process.
Guide to navigate a reviewNavigating through the review interface is essential for seamless collaboration and effective project management.
Other Actions in ReviewFinish Review
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