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Folders - Search by date
Folders - Search by date

Find documents by a given date

Updated over a month ago

Search for material per date

Do you need an overview of the applicable materials based on a previous date or simply a document list of the files in a folder or for the entire project?

Select the Files product in the main menu on the left -> Highlight the project or a folder, then right-click on it to find the Search by Date function.

Enter the date and time you want to search from to find the documents that were applicable at the selected time.

søg pr dato

​As a result, the user can quickly find the material that was valid at the time of the agreement or a given date, among different versions of the document. This is done both at project and folder level. Right click on folder or project.

søg pr dato resultat

There is also a special option to find and export drawings and other documents, simply by searching for a given date.

It is also possible to search for documents issued from a specific period.

søg periode

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